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Li Neng Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd.
{0} Jahre
Jiangsu, China
Hauptprodukte:Schmieröl, Kunststoff produkte, Auto pflege produkte
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About us

The company is positioned in the construction of the concept of Industry 4.0 smart factory, and uses the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) to digitize and intelligentize the supply, sales and manufacturing information in production, and finally achieve fast, effective and personalized product supply. The construction of 4,000 square meters of comprehensive production workshop, 15,000 square meters of three-dimensional warehouse, and 1,200 square meters of R&D center. At present, the company adopts the most advanced blending technology and equipment in China to optimize the combination of the most advanced production process methods, with an annual production capacity of up to 150,000 tons, and the entire production process is controlled by DCS, which can fully realize the automatic control of the entire production process such as component metering, pipeline ball sweeping, and stirring. At the same time, ABB automatic batch blending technology, DDU automatic extraction of barrel additives technology, and pipeline ball sweeping technology are adopted to ensure the accuracy of various formulas and the stability of products.

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